
Dannemeyer on AIDS

One can’t help but be struck by the contrast between two articles that appeared in the Aug. 4 Orange County Edition of the Los Angeles Times.

On the front page of your newspaper appeared the very positive article reporting the results of a new study that shows the significant effect of the drug AZT when used as an early intervention treatment program for persons with AIDS-related complex. Because of the study, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal AIDS chief, renewed his call that persons at risk undertake the AIDS antibody test to see if they are HIV-positive, and, if so, to possibly begin early drug therapy, which might prevent or delay the onset of full-blown AIDS.

Then, on the front page of Part II appeared a report about the current activities of our infamous Orange County congressman, William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton). By threatening to legislatively withhold federal funds, he wants to force states to require the reporting of names of all persons who test positive for the virus causing AIDS. He is now attempting to do at the federal level what he failed to do last year at the state level when California voters overwhelmingly rejected Proposition 102.


As Fauci and every knowledgeable, reputable figure in our public health system has warned, such a reporting policy would discourage people at risk from taking the test and would be completely contrary to exactly what Fauci calls for in the front-page article.

It is clear once again that Dannemeyer is not really interested in public health or in the prevention of the spread of AIDS. His true interest is his political and religious agenda of zealotry.


