
ACLU Story

In an Aug. 22 article headlined “Coolness to GOP Nominee Nettles Some in Caucus,” you made an incorrect statement regarding the American Civil Liberties Union’s involvement in the Assembly race of Republican candidate Trish Hunter.

In its 68-year history, the ACLU, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, has never endorsed, nor supported, candidates for elected or appointed office. The ACLU did not contribute support of any kind to Hunter’s campaign.

The Reproductive Rights Hotline, which is the information phone line for the Los Angeles-area Coalition for Safe and Legal Abortion, is housed at the Southern California ACLU and makes announcements for coalition-member organizations. There was a message on the hot line, which stated (approximately) “The California Abortion Rights Action League is looking for phone-bankers to target pro-choice voters in the San Diego Area. If you are interested, please call . . . “


As is clear from the text of the message, the ACLU was in no way involved in the phone-banking, and in fact, the message made no mention of the Assembly race at all.


Executive Director

ACLU of San Diego and Imperial counties


Executive Director

ACLU of Southern California
