
Gay Pride Festival in Centennial Park

Re the proposed gay pride festival: As a resident of Orange County I, too, am concerned with the safety of our parks. I, too, am concerned with the safe environment of our streets and neighborhoods. But I have a strong disagreement with the Rev. Louis Sheldon and those that would deny the right of assembly to any law-abiding group that does not meet their own peculiar standard.

When I go to the parks in Santa Ana, I am appalled by the graffiti on the walls. And they are not put on by gays. When I read of all the gang violence and random shootings, I am disturbed. And these shootings are not the work of gays.

If these so-called watchdogs are really interested in the city and the streets and the parks, I strongly suggest that they look to other groups to concentrate their misguided wrath. Let them keep their hatred, their ignorance and their religion in their churches. The Constitution allows them that privilege. It also allows all law-abiding groups the privilege of using our parks for free assembly.


Their effort is to totally push their religious beliefs on all citizens. Let’s keep our parks, our streets, our schools and our way of life free from totalitarian control.

Having been married for 32 years, raising two fine sons who neither smoke nor drink and who have the highest morals, I believe I know from whence I speak.


