
The State of HUD and Its Programs

As the director of a social service agency that has worked closely and successfully with the Orange County Housing and Community Development Department for 15 years, I am surprised and troubled by your article on HUD in Orange County.

Orange Children & Parents Together, Inc. provides survival services for 245 deprived children and their families.

Thanks to the Board of Supervisors, Bob Pusavat and the HCD staff, OCPT has buildings in which to house its programs, a brand new Child Care Center and funds for critical needs that include: a new roof for one of the Head Start structures; a handicap ramp for special needs children; and a myriad of other essentials for providing a safe and sanitary environment for young children.


Through it all, the Orange County HCD staff provided professional assistance and monitoring of the actual projects. They also audited our books for expenditures related to HUD and made sure we had the necessary documentation.

During my 15 years as director of OCPT I have seen the El Modena community transformed by HUD projects that provided: curbs and gutters, street lights, resurfacing of badly rutted streets, sidewalks put in for safe passage and renovated housing. I participate in the HCD community meetings where El Modena residents are able to communicate their needs to the HCD staff, the most recent of which resulted in low-cost housing projects for families and seniors.

For a truer picture of the Orange County Housing and Community Development Department, perhaps you should interview those of us who have long benefited from Orange County HCD projects.



Orange Children & Parents Together Inc.
