

Clipboard researched by Susan Davis Greene and Janice L. Jones / Los Angeles Times; Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Hospital Births UCI 564 Fountain Valley Regional 497 St. Joseph 459 Kaiser Permanente 338 Hoag Memorial Presbyterian 312 Martin Luther 309 Mission Regional Medical Center 201 Saddleback 178 Western Medical Center 174 FHP 171 Santa Ana Hosp. & Med. Center 170 St. Jude-Fullerton 141 Los Alamitos Medical Center 84 La Palma Intercommunity 82 St. Jude-Yorba Linda 82 Humana-West Anaheim 75 South Coast Medical Center 53 Chapman General 51 Humana-Westminster 49 Anaheim General 45 Humana-Huntington Beach 38 TOTAL 4,073

Note: The following hospitals declined to provide information--Coastal Communities, Placentia-Linda, Medical Center of Garden Grove and San Clemente General Hospital.

Source: Individual hospitals

MONTHLY BIRTH TREND Aug.: 4,073 July: 3,852 June: 3,764 May: 3,741 April: 3,552 March: 3,486 February: 3,047 January: 3,211
