
Irvine Rights Plan

As the only gay person on the 13-member Advisory Board of Irvine Citizens United, I would like to respond to some of the charges made against gays and lesbians by the religious extremists who wish to exclude us from the Irvine Human Rights ordinance. They have attacked the morals, motives and integrity of the gay and lesbian community and have attacked me personally. The latest smear pamphlet distributed by the Irvine Values Coalition on Sept. 30 is a prime example of their fear-mongering tactics.

They have tried to tell Irvine residents what we think, how we feel and what we want. They have tried to tell us that we are sick, dysfunctional and in need of “reparative therapy.” In effect, what they are saying is that because we don’t think as they think, don’t act as they act, don’t believe as they believe, we don’t deserve to be treated as human beings with the same rights as everyone else.

They can believe anything they choose to believe. But they have no right to sit in judgment of me or anyone else. In the United States of America, I too have the right to my beliefs, my aspirations and my privacy. All that I and my gay friends want is the right to be able to put food on our tables, roofs over our heads and a little dignity in our lives. Despite the smear campaign, and all the untruths and half-truths that the Irvine Values Coalition is spreading, I’m heartened at the overwhelming support the Human Rights ordinance has received from the vast majority of Irvine citizens. I feel confident they will vote “no” on Measure N.



