
The Need for DNA Unit in Sheriff’s Crime Lab

I’m sure the citizens of Orange County appreciate your strong support for the establishment of a DNA laboratory in the sheriff’s crime lab. Your Oct. 8 editorial clearly points to the critical importance of this state-of-the-art scientific equipment and expertise.

The sooner the lab is established the sooner we will be able to more accurately identify the perpetrators in homicides, sexual assaults and child molestation crimes.

The sooner too we will be able to lessen the tremendous burden now placed on the victims of violent crimes like rape and child molestation.


The establishment of a DNA lab just makes good sense. It’s good sense from the standpoint of community safety, human compassion and from a fiscal standpoint.

The cost savings to the county in cost avoidance for court trials will fully recover the money necessary to fund a DNA laboratory.

There’s been a lot of talk about using money seized from drug dealers to fund this project. I’m using that money to finance our war on drugs.


In my opinion, the intent, purpose and spirit of the asset-forfeiture law focuses on drug enforcement and education. I don’t believe drug money is used for its intended purpose when used to buy copy machines, pay overtime, reduce the cost of jail operations or fund a DNA lab that should more properly be paid from existing county revenue.

The citizens of this county, through the Sheriff’s Advisory Council, and the leadership created by Al Cosentino, Hyla Bertea and Dick Walker, have raised $80,000 to help establish the DNA lab.

These men and women understand the importance of such a lab and have been willing to fill the void created by the lack of public funding.


It’s now time for us to step forward and fund this project so that everyone wins.



Orange County
