
Police Calls for Domestic Threats

“Anyone who believes that a person determined to kill another can reliably be prevented from doing so by the police--or any one--is dreaming,” said Yocum.

Isn’t that a comforting thought. If the public had any question about the competence of today’s police force, I guess they’ve all been answered. If what Yocum is saying is true, why do we have police anyway? Why doesn’t everyone purchase guns to protect themselves since no one else can or will?

Yocum missed the entire point in her defense of the police. The public is not outraged at the 911 operator, who did nothing to protect Maria Navarro, but by the fact that the laws to protect the innocent are inadequate.


If there are stiffer sentences with less plea bargaining for domestic crimes (make that for all crimes) the police would have more power to protect the victims from their assailants.

Lawyers have found too many loopholes in today’s legal system to help the guilty and hurt the innocent. Isn’t it time to tip the scale in the other direction?


Seal Beach
