
Reader ‘Appalled’ by Board Official

After reading several newspaper accounts and watching with my own eyes (school board Vice President Jack) Bagdasar’s reaction to Dawn Henry’s questions at the Oct. 2 Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District board meeting regarding developer fees, I must say I am appalled. Mr. Bagdasar didn’t want to hear any more of her “filth” and went on to say: “May God help you. No, it’s too late for God to help you.”

Obviously, some members of the school board have overstepped their decision-making. Now they are determining when it is too late for God to help someone.

Since when is it too late for God to help someone who has spent so much of their life helping others? She is a registered nurse and works in a major trauma center in a low-income, gang-infested area of Compton. She has helped save the lives of numerous victims. She has brought into her home victims of domestic violence to provide safe housing. She collects clothing and toys to give to the children who come into the trauma center.


She and her husband have sponsored foreign exchange students in their home. A number of years ago, they adopted a foster daughter and put her through high school and on to nursing school.

Shall I go on? The point is, God knows we all need help, but it is certainly not up to Mr. Bagdasar to determine when it is too late for God’s help. I certainly do not think it is too late for God to help Mr. Bagdasar. In fact, I hope he does.


Rancho Palos Verdes
