
DANA POINT : Council Backs Plan to Move Checkpoint

The City Council voted unanimously Monday to back the proposed relocation of the San Onofre immigration checkpoint on Interstate 5.

Calling the present site outdated and inadequate, the council voted to send a letter to South County state legislators and congressmen in support of a $30-million expansion of the checkpoint, now under consideration by Congress.

Under the proposal, the checkpoint--a few miles south of San Clemente--would be moved to a spot five miles deeper into San Diego County. Already the busiest immigration checkpoint in the country, the four-lane stop would be expanded to 16 lanes.


However, the project is facing delays on Capitol Hill because of its price tag.

San Clemente officials, who say they are fed up with seeing U.S. Border Patrol chases through their streets, have reacted angrily to the funding delays.

Dana Point Councilwoman Ingrid McGuire on Monday night questioned whether the new checkpoint would ever be funded.

Councilman Mike Eggers pointed out that Congress already has approved $2.7 million in design funds for the checkpoint and expressed confidence that the project would proceed.


As many as 10 people died at the inspection stop last year, say San Clemente Fire Department paramedics. Many of those killed were illegal aliens who jumped from vehicles before reaching the checkpoint, the paramedics said.
