
12% Hotel Tax in County Wins Preliminary Approval

Breaking from his conservative colleagues, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich this week joined the board’s two liberals in voting tentative approval to increase the hotel bed tax in unincorporated areas of the county from 10% to 12%.

The increase would have its largest impact in Marina del Rey and Malibu. The matter comes before the board again next week for final action.

“We’re talking about a $1.40 increase on a $70 room,” Antonovich said, adding that hotel patrons should expect to pay for such services as law enforcement while visiting the county. The increase is expected to generate $600,000 a year. No decision has been made on how the money will be spent.


Supervisor Ed Edelman proposed increasing the tax, which was last raised in 1983. “This is one of the few revenue sources that we have available to us,” he said, noting that Los Angeles has a 12% bed tax.

Supervisor Deane Dana argued that the tax increase would hurt business in Marina del Rey, which is part of his district.
