
‘Stupid Pet Tricks’ on the Big Screen?

About Michael Wilmington’s Oct. 25 review of “The Bear”: As if director Jean-Jacques Annaud wasn’t cruel enough to animals by making this movie, now Wilmington has the gall to say good things about it!

When I first saw the preview for this movie, I was furious that such a thing could be produced in a time when many of us are striving to protect animals.

This is a film in which a bear cub, in the name of “entertainment,” must scale a cliff wall and fall into rushing rapids. You may argue that it is a controlled environment, being a film set, but I doubt that the animals know this.


I hope that people will see beyond the “cute” advertisements and will boycott this movie and any others abusing animals.



“The Bear” is endorsed by the American Humane Assn., the World Wildlife Fund and Cleveland Amory’s Fund for Animals.
