
More Readers’ Views

Daniel E. Powell’s huffy letter (Oct. 22) about the contents of the Real Estate Section exhibits a peripheral vision problem, a common optical impairment among business nabobs who look at the world through their office windows.

With this limited view, Powell can’t see that a newspaper such as The Times has a very broad readership that represents myriad interests. In doing right by its readers, it perforce has the tough job of providing something for everyone.

So The Times is correct in running stories on the maintenance, remodeling, landscaping, insuring, buying and selling property, plus the insightful articles by Leon Whiteson and Sam Hall Kaplan.


If Powell wants to keep up on who’s doing what to whom, where, and for how much in the dog-eat-dog commercial real estate market, he should stick to the trade publications that cater to his gentrified needs.


Eagle Rock
