
Long Beach : Director of Gay-Lesbian Service Agency Resigns

Judith M. Doyle, executive director of Long Beach’s largest gay and lesbian social service agency, has resigned effective Nov. 15.

“I resigned because the board is choosing an administrative direction that I cannot support,” said Doyle, who assumed leadership of One in Long Beach Inc. a year-and-a-half ago. “They are in a preservation mode and a cutback mode and in the face of community dissension unwilling to take any risk.”

Robin Wadkins, Doyle’s assistant, also resigned.

The action came less than a month after both women had their hours and salaries cut in half to avoid a projected $20,000 deficit in the agency’s $550,000 budget.


Board member Bob Lawson challenged Doyle’s statement that the agency is in a no-growth mode. “We’re pushing ahead trying to generate the (necessary) funds,” he said.

Lawson said a search had already begun for a full-time director to replace both Doyle and Wadkins.
