
Sad Shift on Reseda Extension

I was saddened, but not surprised, to read that City Councilman Marvin Braude has changed his position and is now in favor of the extension of Reseda Boulevard.

Cabellero Canyon is the only canyon left that hasn’t been paved and developed. When Reseda is extended, then Mulholland will have to be paved. The hills will be even easier for the developers to develop and the waste managers to fill with trash.

I read that the homeowners near Hayvenhurst want Reseda to be extended to reduce traffic near them. Cabellero Canyon has been used by individuals and families to find respite from crowds and traffic. The Encino Homeowners, led by a former deputy of Marvin Braude, could care less about the wildlife and ecology of Cabellero Canyon, but would rather pave the fastest route to development into the hillsides.


Anyone who feels that housing tracts and landfills should be secondary to protecting the Santa Monica Mountains should contact Councilman Braude and persuade him to change his mind again and protect Cabellero Canyon from an extension of Reseda Boulevard.


