
Back to the Hype

Universal’s got a lot riding on its big fall release “Back to the Future II”--due out Nov. 22. The original “Back to the Future” (1985), you’ll recall, grossed over $200 million domestically. So promo for “II” is already upon us:

* Three impressive billboards--two here, one in N.Y.C.’s Times Square--are up, with giant digital clocks counting back the hours until the film opens. (It gets an early premiere Nov. 20 at the Universal City Cinemas to benefit Tripod, a nonprofit organization for hearing-impaired children.)

* “BTTF II” digital desk clocks went out to the press back around Labor Day. Other promotional tie-ins on tap: Futuristic sunglasses for $1.99 with certain Pizza Hut orders; DeLorean car models (microsize $2.49, a radio-controlled car for $49.99 and a battery-operated, drivable one for $159) from Toys ‘R’ Us, which will also have T-shirts, baseball caps and a skateboard; and models of futuristic Texaco gas stations based on one seen in the film--offered at Texaco stations, natch.


* An official “Back to the Future” fan club, run by the same folks who operate the authorized Lucasfilm and “Star Trek” clubs. For $9.95, you get a magazine, logo patch, photo and stickers.

* The novelization, with an initial print run of 400,000-plus copies, hit book stores late last month.
