
Children’s Home Opens Holiday Drive

The Orangewood Children’s Home on Friday launched Operation Santa Claus, a program designed to encourage people to donate toys and money for Christmas.

Orangewood Director Bob Theemling received the first set of contributions Friday morning, a $839 check from employees of the Orange County Transit District and 27 gift-wrapped toys collected by Turville Photography of Orange.

Steven Turville said his photography firm waived a portion of its fees during September if their customers agreed to donate a Christmas present worth at least $20 to the home.


Steve Lopushinsky, the studio’s manager, said he was impressed with the customers’ responses.

“Some parents got their kids to pick out a gift they liked. Then, the parent gift-wrapped it and delivered it to the studio,” he said. “It’s the value of giving and the law of reciprocity. If you give something good, you get it back.”

Sharon Long and Diane Wilson, two assistant superintendents with the transit district, said that employees sold handicrafts to each other to raise the money.


Orangewood is a home for abused, abandoned and orphaned children.

Persons or companies interested in giving toys or donations for Christmas can call (714) 834-6682.
