
* Tot Wheels: John DeLorean is back...

* Tot Wheels: John DeLorean is back in the car business. More than 400 Toys R Us stores around the country are selling a pint-size version of the De Lorean car featured in the movie “Back to the Future Part II,” under a licensing agreement between Universal City Studios Inc. and the former Detroit auto maker. DeLorean said he would get about 5% of the toy car’s sales. “By the time I give up on them, it will be ‘Back to the Future, Part 71,’ ” DeLorean said Tuesday in a telephone interview.

* Deep Glitz: Chris Blazakis, a former employee of L.A. designer James Galanos, claims the current IRS examination of Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s back taxes is a result of information he gave authorities. And he’s proud of it: “I have shared limited aspects of my detailed information with the IRS, the Department of Justice and the Office of Government Ethics,” Blazakis told The Times. He adds that he’s writing a book, partly on what he perceives to be “gift improprieties” in the Reagan clothes closet at the White House.

* Little Diplomats: President George and Barbara Bush may think it’s time for their granddaughter Marshall to learn holiday manners. The 3 1/2-year-old daughter of Marvin Bush is enrolled with other celebrity children in Marjabelle Stewart’s “Petit Protocol” course, which will be conducted Saturday at the elegant Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown. Stewart, an expert on manners for adults, will instruct the 3- through 7-year-olds on how to greet the hostess, how to pour the holiday punch, smooth seating techniques for smaller gentlemen, drumstick decorum and the art of the ginger ale toast. Among others in the course are John Bennett, 5, son of drug czar William Bennett and Ashley Atwater, 4 1/2, daughter of Republican National Committee Chairman Lee Atwater.
