
‘Peace: Challenge and Opportunity’

Congratulations on bringing to the public’s attention a subject vital to the economic health of California. I refer to the three editorials under the heading “Peace: Challenge and Opportunity” (Dec. 12-14).

As an activist for the past 15 years, working with organizations trying to reach the public on this subject, I was excited and delighted to read your excellent coverage. However, you did omit mention that, that since 1974, at every session of Congress, a bill has been presented--the Defense Economic Adjustment Act. This session the bill is H.R. 101, presented by Ted Weiss (D-N.Y.). It is my understanding that when Congress returns in January, it is to come to the floor for hearings and debate, and, there is every indication that its time has come.

The bill has several excellent provisions, among them setting up “alternate use committees in defense plants of 100 or more employees.” Committees would be composed of labor, management and an elected official. Another provision of note is that the cost of “converting” from war production to consumer goods will not be a burden on the public, as a very small assessment is to be made on defense contracts that continue to be awarded. Provision is also made for workers during the change-over period.



