
Pop Goes the Refund

Pennies will be closer to nickels today for thrifty consumers who recycle their empty soda and beer containers. A new state law will boost the ineffective one-cent refund to a nickel for two small cans or one large bottle. The higher refunds will make recycling a little more rewarding.

Californians have bothered to return barely half of their empties to recycling depots at nearby supermarkets or to a state-certified recycling centers since the bottle law took effect just over two years ago. Even environmentally minded consumers have argued that a penny back wasn’t worth the trouble.

The stronger incentive takes effect today. An empty two-liter bottle, glass or plastic, is worth five cents. Also, worth a nickel are two cans or bottles that contain less than 24 ounces. Five cents, the standard reward in states that have successful bottle laws, ought to prove persuasive.


Californians drink 12 billion bottles and cans of soda or beer in a typical year. The empties choke landfills--and that’s when the cans and bottles are properly disposed. Many are just tossed away by litterbugs, blighting beaches, parks and roads. Maybe a nickel will change their bad habits.

Recycling can take some pressure off the distressed environment. Consumers who take the time to return their empties deserve their reward.
