
Money and Education

Ocean View School District’s teachers are picketing, and may go on strike. I don’t like strikes, especially when the kids are the real losers and not the people who handle the funding. But what are we to do about the yearly funding crises? The key word here is we. Everyone benefits from a well-run school district. But not everyone participates in the process of creating and maintaining a school district.

Many people think that the lottery was a big help. Wrong! The lottery gives additional funding but certainly not the great portion people have been led to believe. Lottery funds compose a small part of the school budget. And what kind of message are we giving our children and other states? That for school to survive in California we have to have bingo and a state lottery?

Many politicians say that schools get enough money, that it is the school administrators who mismanage the funds. Some teachers would agree with that. I don’t. I know that salaries and benefits are affected by many variables. But the fact is that our school district is unable to pay our teachers what they feel is comparable pay with other school districts in California. School funding needs to be increased. The yearly shifting of funds to meet all areas of school management needs to be addressed once and for all.


Maybe that means major change. All right! Our children are our future! What could be more important to us? Wake up, people! Get involved! The teacher salaries, medical benefits and working conditions are merely a tip of the iceberg. Quality education is achieved with quality teachers and administration.


Huntington Beach
