
AQMD Does Flip-Flop, Will Urge Ban on Chemical

In a sharp about-face from an earlier draft report on hydrogen fluoride, South Coast Air Quality Management District staff members said Thursday they will recommend banning refinery use of the highly toxic chemical.

That decision, contained in a memo to members of a task force on hydrogen fluoride, brought cheers from Torrance officials, who had been outraged by a report recommending extra safety measures rather than a ban.

Citing the dangers of earthquakes, sabotage and human error, “and considering the life-threatening consequences of a release of hydrogen fluoride, SCAQMD staff believes that it is prudent public policy to phase out the use of this acutely hazardous material where . . . alternatives exist,” the memo said.


Hydrogen fluoride, called hydrofluoric acid in its liquid state, is used at four area refineries to make high-octane gasoline and at Allied-Signal Corp. in El Segundo to make refrigerants.
