Fear of Flying
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I would like to correct a misconception expressed in Patrick Flynn’s letter (Dec. 31) in which he mistakenly concluded that UCI Medical Center has a counselor who treats flying anxieties while “higher priority” needs, i.e., drug addiction, are neglected. It was an unfortunate misunderstanding on his part of the original article that appeared on Dec. 24.
I am the UCI counselor referred to in Mr. Flynn’s letter, and I can assure him and any other readers who may also have misunderstood that the counseling and social work staff at UCIMC devote their energies to treating critical medical problems of patients and their families, including patients whose medical condition is complicated by drug dependence and addiction.
The information contained in the article referred to by Mr. Flynn was voluntarily contributed as a public service for holiday air travelers. It is not part of any “luxury” services provided by the Medical Center with public funds. There is no cost to the university for the acquisition or dissemination of such information, and any individuals wishing treatment for air-travel anxieties are referred to the private sector.
It’s helpful for readers like Mr. Flynn to keep in mind that any major university has on staff numerous experts with wide-ranging interests. These individuals typically welcome opportunities to freely share their knowledge with the greater community, which was the intent of the original article. The sharing of such knowledge is one of the many benefits of having a major university in the community.
Director, Therapy
Staff Member, UCIMC