
Glendale Medfly Spraying Scheduled

The discovery of larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly in Glendale has prompted agricultural officials to schedule aerial spraying of the city next month to battle the infestation, a state official said.

Gera Curry, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Food and Agriculture, said the larvae were found in the fruit of a kumquat tree on Highland Avenue Thursday. A mature male fly was discovered two days earlier on Ard Eevin Avenue, which is also in Glendale, Curry said.

The spraying of malathion over Glendale is scheduled for 9 p.m. Feb. 1, Curry said.

In addition, North Hollywood, Panorama City and Sylmar, which also are infested, are scheduled to be sprayed Jan. 29 to fight the medfly, a menace to the state’s multimillion-dollar agricultural industry.
