
Dole Proposal

Pat Buchanan’s Op-Ed piece, “Bob Dole’s Proposal Is Half a Right Idea” (Jan. 21), has some merit. I can see no need for foreign aid, certainly for people who consistently oppose us in the United Nations.

However, Israel is a special case. The defense aid we give to Denmark, Belgium and West Germany, to the tune of $139 billion, is earmarked for defense. The comparable defense aid for Israel, serving the same purpose in the Middle East as it does in Western Europe, would cost some $59 billion if not for Israel, a cost Israel underwrites, receiving a modest $3 billion from us.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East that maintains U.S. influence against the Soviet and Arab totalitarians.


Pat Buchanan is right. It is time we put America first and didn’t send aid to people who inherently hate America and democracy. Let’s help our friends and hinder our enemies.


Laguna Hills
