
Controversy Over Cutting Aid to Israel

Bravo! George is right on target.

Anyone who reads this article, like it or not, is getting the straight, uncut version of the story of U.S. aid to Israel. How much longer will Americans allow Congress to continue this abominable, disgraceful charade of $3 billion a year in aid to Israel? Why is it that the many people I have spoken to about this subject unanimously want this aid cut drastically if not completely, yet Congress continues the blind, no-holds barred bonanza? Of course we all know or should know the answer to that. It is pressure by the Israeli lobby and American Jewish financial backing of their “boys.” Is Congress doing the will of the majority in this case? Are you kidding! I think not.

I also wonder how many other people out there are as tired as I am of hearing that 1950s line that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East. Nonsense! The fact is the U.S. has several friends in the Middle East-- Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman among them.


Los Angeles
