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To help control crabgrass, which germinates readily in the spring, apply a preemergence weedkiller to your lawn.
Groom all fuchsias by removing any dead wood, spent flowers and debris that may be on the soil level. Then prune back to about eight inches of old wood to help encourage new growth and lots of blooms.
Divide and transplant any late summer- and fall-blooming perennials such as Shasta daisies, coreopsis and day lilies.
Begin fertilizing all hydrangeas in the ground or in containers with aluminum sulphate for blue flowers and lime or superphosphate for pink flowers.
Choose camellias this time of year, for there are many in bloom.
If your house plants are dropping leaves, over-watering could be the cause. During the winter they need less water because of the shortened hours of daylight.
While pruning roses, be sure to discard the old leaves and branches so they won’t become a home for insects and diseases.
If you have a cool-season lawn (rye, blue, fine or tall fescue), you’ll probably need to mow it once or twice a week.
Mulch around shrubs, trees and annuals to hold the weeds down and keep moisture in.
Plant lovely perennials now for bloom later--English primroses, day lilies, Shasta daisies, phlox and more.
Keep an eye out for aphids (bugs that suck juice from plants) on your roses and other ornamentals as the weather starts to warm up again.
Carnation lovers: Check out the new varieties to plant and pinch back the ones already in your garden to encourage fuller plant growth.
Lawns just beginning to waken from their winter’s nap can use a meal of fertilizer to get them off to a good start. Healthy, thick lawns will have fewer weeds.
Source: California Association of Nurserymen.
Source: Susan Brozowski, Sherman Library and Gardens