
Disneyland’s Price Increase Is Worth It

It is Disneyland’s 35th anniversary year, and people are complaining about the new price of admission (about $25 for an adult). I’d like to know by what standard and in whose economy this is a lot of money. Consider that $25 will pay for about two days of care for one kid at the cheapest day-care mill, or it will provide one week of Blue Cross medical insurance for one person, or slightly more than a week of auto insurance for a new car. If there are people out there who really can’t afford to take their kids to Disneyland, then I hate to think what other financial difficulties they must be having, and this speaks very poorly about our economy. I personally would not want to go back to the days of the $10 admission when the park offered such terrible rides as the burro ride or the Mine Train through Nature’s Wonderlands.


