
Killer Whale Kasatka, a Sea World Veteran, Returns


Kasatka the killer whale arrived Tuesday at Sea World after a 2-hour, 40-minute flight from San Antonio.

The move was part of a long-term breeding program among the four Sea World parks, said Brad Andrews, assistant zoological director of Sea World San Diego.

Andrews said Kasatka, a female, will be kept alone in a breeding and research pool until she acclimates to her surroundings. However, she can see and hear other killer whales. And they can see and hear her. “They are pretty excited,” Andrews said. “They are vocalizing and swimming around.”


Andrews said he expects Kasatka to get along with the other female adult whales, Knootka and Corky, because she spent about two years with them in San Diego before she was moved to Texas for breeding in 1987. Another female, Kandu, died last year after she was involved in a fight with Corky.

The effort to breed Kasatka, whose estimated age is 14, failed, Andrews said. “It may be that she is too young,” he said.

Park officials will wait about two years before trying to breed her again, Andrews said. Because there are no eligible males in San Diego, a potential mate will either be brought to Kasatka, or she will be moved to another park.


Kasatka was captured 13 years ago and has been performing for about 10 years, Andrews said. He said she will “definitely” perform in San Diego, but she will not be rushed to do so.

Meanwhile, three male bottlenose dolphins were transported Monday from San Diego to San Antonio, also for breeding. Andrews said the exchanges prevent inbreeding among the animals.

Andrews said there are 15 whales in the four Sea World Parks in San Diego, San Antonio, Aurora, Ohio and Orlando, Fla.


In order to move Kasatka, Sea World officials placed the 4,000-pound whale on a stretcher, then into a water-filled transport cabin that was loaded on a 747.

There have been five successful killer whale births at Sea World parks, said Dan LeBlanc, spokesman for Sea World San Diego. The most recent was in September, 1988, when Baby Shamu was born to Kandu in San Diego.
