
Fairchild on Farrakhan

In an effort to dilute the racist anti-Semitic diatribes of Farrakhan, Fairchild simply glosses over the subject.

To begin with, there is no conflict between Islam and Judaism in the Middle East. There is a conflict between a number of nations which have been attempting to destroy Israel for 40 years, and the nation of Israel, which wants to live in peace. This conflict, the rights and wrongs notwithstanding, does not give Farrakhan the right to refer to Judaism as a “gutter religion.”

Furthermore, Fairchild says that, more important than Farrakhan’s racism, is the responsibility of Jewish Americans to pressure Israel vis-a-vis its ties to South Africa. Apartheid is an abhorrent philosophy, one which no Israeli condones. Yet, whatever relationship Israel sustains with South Africa pales beside the relationships maintained by Japan, European nations, and the surrounding black African states.



Los Angeles
