
Bell Columns That Brought Pleasure

Frequently I find (Joseph Bell’s) columns to be the most satisfactory in our entire Orange County Times. Considering that I do check most of the editorial and opinion pieces quite carefully I intend this to be a sincere compliment to (Bell).

(The Feb. 10) column on our soft-spoken congressman (Rep. Robert K. Dornan) brought me great pleasure. You have a talent for stating facts gently yet forcefully.

The column after your visit to Jimmy Carter’s church was another that remains in my memory as well as my collection. It was shared with friends too. How satisfactory now that others are beginning to realize Jimmy Carter’s worth.


A few years ago I was in an audience and watched Robert Dornan’s ridiculous behavior as he made it clear that our peace-oriented meeting did not meet with his approval.

I, too, hope that Alan Alda has an opportunity to adjust Robert Dornan’s tie.

Lucille Sherman,

