
Socking Away the Wash-Day Blues

Marjorie Carrie of Irvine is the latest reader to look for sock holders , those little plastic discs that keep a pair of sox together in the washer; she says the last time she saw them was at Osco Drugs two years ago. Let’s hope you can keep Carrie from the suds, or at least from going barefoot; if not, the old notion of togetherness will never again wash that easily.

Speaking of suds, W. S. Williams of Pasadena is looking for a washing machine with a spin dryer that comes on rollers and can be moved easily. Are you sufficiently moved to come up with a source, or will Williams’ laundry situation no longer be on a roll?

We dropped a stitch recently. In the request by Sally Fynan of Temple City, who said she needed somebody to replace the satin binding on a blanket, the word “velvet” was left out. In other words, Fynan wants someone to replace satin binding with velvet binding . No need to crawl under the covers over this omission; just come up with some sources, so Fynan won’t be left in a bind.


Reader-to-Reader-Help Line: Homer at (213) 483-1034 would love another non-electric Apsco Premier portable pencil sharpener with Type IV-A cutter assembly; the manufacturer went out of business years ago. How about making sure that Homer stays sharp, especially after he gets the lead out again.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.

Ann of Fullerton, who wanted VHS tapes for relaxation, will soon be able to relax again. A local reader bought “Video Aquarium” (gliding tropical fish), produced by Video Naturals Co. of L.A., at Tower Video on the Sunset Strip; but Iris Metcalfe says you can order a variety of these relaxation-inducing tapes directly from Video Naturals by calling locally (213) 469-0019 or (800) 950-5545. We also have several out-of-town sources. Mark Samuel of Chatsworth mentions an “Ocean Symphony” (47 minutes, $29.95) by Critics’ Choice Video, (800) 367-7765. Bee Kirby of Arcadia writes that Readers’ Digest has a number of such tapes, backed by classical music; the number is (800) 431-1246. Thelma Kok of North Hollywood suggests a brochure from Relax Video, 2901 Broadway, Suite 128, New York, N.Y. 10025, phone (212) 496-4400. And if Ann would settle for audio tapes, Betty Defibaugh of Gardena says to contact Wireless, Minnesota Public Radio, P.O. Box 64422, St. Paul, Minn. 55164-0422, telephone (800) 669-9999, for stereo cassettes.

For G. W. Buck of Seal Beach, who wanted some lightweight garden hose that collapses flat when the water is turned off, the dry spell is over. Jane Du Fresne of Altadena and J. Watkins of Whittier suggest marine or yacht supply stores. John G. Blair of True Value Hardware says that he carries the hose, which comes on a small reel, in his Pasadena store (2515 E. Washington Blvd.). Several readers told us that such hoses can be bought in stores such as Camping World in Anaheim; one trade name seems to be Toro Hose. Another reader says to go to a Brookstone outlet. And here are some mail-order sources: Mrs. Alvin Neal of Fullerton and Mrs. L. H. Arnold of Van Nuys mention Sporty’s Preferred Living, Clermont Airport, Batavia, Ohio 45103-9747. Bill Schneid of Marina del Rey told us about a Superflat hose sold by Alsto Co., Galesburg, Ill. And Mrs. G. Spitz of Homeland suggests Miles Kimball, 41 West 8th Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. 54906. We also heard from three readers who have such a hose and never used it. If interested, send us a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and find out whether their claims hold water.
