
SATICOY : Bridge Repair Work Finished Week Early

Repair work on the California 118 bridge over the Santa Clara River in Saticoy has been completed a week ahead of schedule, according to Caltrans.

Caltrans Maintenance Supt. Ron Cabral said work on the bridge took less time than expected because, among other things, “once workers opened up the bridge joints, they discovered the condition was not as deteriorated as anticipated.”

Even more helpful, he said, was “the excellent cooperation we had from drivers in the area who voluntarily took alternate routes, which significantly decreased the traffic on the bridge.” The California Department of Transportation also increased the number of workers on the project, he added.


Cabral said that even though the bridge is now in excellent condition, Caltrans plans to widen it in the future. The timing of that project depends on whether voters approve Proposition 111 on the June ballot, authorizing increases in the gasoline tax and spending limits, he said.
