
Death-Metal Defense

Letter writer Elaine Livesey-Fassel’s attack on death metal (April 7) is typical of people who criticize things they know nothing about. Livesey-Fassel seems unaware that many speed- and death-metal groups--such as Megadeth, Nuclear Assault and Metallica--do not rejoice in violence but rather sing against the death and destruction brought about by greedy corporations and an incompetent political and legal system. Other lyrics, which do describe violence, are taken no more seriously than comic books.

Speed metal is one of the most technically complex forms of rock being played today. Contrast this with the womanizing and sexual violence so popular in heavy metal and rap, the latter often praised by The Times’ Robert Hilburn despite its being musically vacant.

The perceived violence at many speed-metal shows is nothing more than kids having a good time. It may seem a little rough, but some kids like to slam (run around in a circle bumping into each other) and stage-dive into the crowd.


It’s common to see kids of many races and backgrounds, longhairs and skinheads, acting as equals in this controlled mayhem--a tension release far preferable to drive-by shootings and racial attacks.

GARY DAVIS, Culver City
