
SANTA PAULA : Rancher Drops Plan to Build RV Park

An Ojai rancher has said he will drop his four-year effort to build a 60-space recreational vehicle park on five acres of agricultural land on the Santa Clara River near Santa Paula.

“My wife said I was crazy to try this and that I should invest in CDs,” Ozzie Osborn said at a hearing earlier this week. “So that’s what I’m going to do.”

Osborn said he is dropping plans to build the RV park just south of Santa Paula on South Mountain Road because of continuing opposition to the project from nearby residents and the county’s lengthy environmental review.


His announcement came during a meeting Wednesday of the county’s Environmental Report Review Committee.

Osborn said he lost interest in the project last September when the committee decided his original proposal to include a small golf course would need a full environmental impact report. Osborn reapplied to build only the RV park. Wednesday, four South Mountain Road residents objected to the project.
