
Gun Control Legislation

You supported a bill requiring most gun buyers to take a course in gun safety. I can only say that at the age of 11, I had a friend, also 11, who found his father’s gun. He mishandled it and died. The father was a 20-year Army man.

At the same time I learned gun safety and marksmanship through National Rifle Assn. programs at the YMCA. This was 1959.

People seem to forget that the NRA offered a gun safety program to the public schools here, but was turned down. It would have taught children what to do if one is found and that a gun is not a toy.


This misdirected law, if signed by the governor, will not educate children. Where is the outcry at the TV and movie industries for sending the wrong message to children about guns. They seem to be the only sources of information.

But in a state where some people think the “trigger pulls the finger,” instead of the finger pulling the trigger, I’m not surprised.


