
Gun Control Legislation

Georgia--now there’s an enlightened state. In Georgia the only requirements for gun ownership are an assertion of sanity and a driver’s license. (And, of course, the price of the gun.) One then instantly qualifies for possession of a killing weapon and becomes the proud owner thereof--no inconvenient waiting.

And that’s exactly what happened when a mental patient treated for “homicidal tendencies” bought a gun, hours after his release from a mental hospital. He then went on a shooting spree, killing and wounding (Part A, April 26).

Gov. Joe Frank Harris, reacting to public furor, conceded that the shootings do make a strong statement for gun control, at which time pragmatism apparently struck, and in a brilliant conclusion stated, “I’m not sure any gun control could prevent something like this from happening.”


The good ol’ boys in the NRA must jus’ love Georgia to death.


Beverly Hills
