
Listen to Candidates

The voters of all San Diego County will shortly have the opportunity to express themselves in the most momentous criminal justice system decision in two decades. In selecting the leadership for the Sheriff’s Department in the June 5 primary, they may well be setting the tone for law enforcement leadership for the county in the foreseeable future.

Much has been made over the leadership style of John Duffy. Whatever one thinks of that style, it cannot be denied that, during the very difficult governmental time of Proposition 13 management, he has led the department to a position of national preeminence in several areas.

If what we wish to change most is the personality at the top, we would do well to listen to not only what the candidates say, but also how they say it. Jack Drown has been termed a Duffy “clone,” but in his statements he sounds reasoned, ethical and responsible. The candidate from the city school board sounds more political, more confrontational and more childish.


Methinks Jim Roache doth protest too much.


Ocean Beach
