
Abortions for Sex Selection

Once again someone has brought up a hypothetical argument about a condition that does not exist in order to cast doubt about the morality of choice.

This smoke screen regarding sex-selection abortions focuses the debate away from the actual facts and creates hysteria. There are over 200 different kinds of birth defects.

Studies conducted by the March of Dimes and the federal government reveal that 97% of pregnant women who have amniocentesis discover that the fetus does not have the condition about which they were concerned and, therefore, carry the pregnancy to term.


For the remaining 3%, prenatal screening done generally between the 15th and 18th weeks of pregnancy provides an opportunity for the woman and her family to make a rational decision about the pregnancy and prepare for the future.

A 1979 investigation by the Washington Post found that most doctors refused to perform amniocentesis for sex determination. Such tests are occasionally performed because some serious genetic problems are sex-linked. Two medical centers reported having done a total of 13 sex determination tests over a 10-year period. In none of these cases did the woman choose an abortion even after learning that the fetus was not of the desired sex.

It is disheartening to note that such an issue has been raised in the gubernatorial Democratic primary race. While it may help to advance a politician’s career to focus attention away from the real debate, that being whether or not we regard women as moral decision makers and guardians of their own souls, it does not help to bring the abortion debate into the arena of rational public discussion.



Southern California Coordinator

Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights

City of Industry
