
Santa Monica : Cap on Campaign Funds

The City Council directed City Atty. Robert M. Myers to prepare an ordinance that would reduce the limit on individual campaign contributions and hold candidates to a one-year fund-raising period.

Currently, candidates can receive about $1,400 from an individual and raise money for an indefinite period of time.

Some council members were concerned that current limits do not allow average citizens to run for office in Santa Monica, since they may not have as many supporters who are able to donate amounts near $1,400, and the lower limit would make it easier for them to compete with those candidates who get the larger donations. Some council members also said that without a time limit on fund raising, there could be abuse by candidates who raise money long before an actual race.


“The cost of City Council races has dramatically increased within the last decade,” said Joseph Lawrence, assistant city attorney. “The council wanted to lower donations so that the average person can run.”
