
Earth First!

It’s about time someone has taken some action against the governmental and corporate pillage of the environment.

The time for politeness concerning environmental issues has long since past. Now is the time to act. We’ve heard enough empty rhetoric concerning the state of our land and water and air.

I am sick and tired of being asked to do my part to save the environment. Don’t get me wrong--I’ll do my part. But let government and business do their part, too. The government needs to stop pouring billions into defense and needless space exploration (at the rate we’re going, there won’t be anything left here that anyone would want anyway, and how can we think of colonizing space when we have yet to make our Earth a decent place to live?). Corporations need to stop belching smoke into the air and vomiting oil upon our beaches. It is not enough for the little guy to watch his gas consumption and recycle his aluminum--there’s a lot bigger and more dangerous offenders out there.


My hat is off to Earth First! and Dave Foreman and all of “The Monkeywrenchers.” Real change comes from doing--not talking. While the rest of them are flapping their gums, Foreman is fighting back.

Linda M. Navroth

Los Angeles
