
Earth First!

Grubby Earth First! renegades can clear at least part of the miasma disturbing our and their sinuses and senses of well-being by moving to another planet. It’s horrible enough to hear about their destruction of private property, but it seems incomprehensible that National Audubon Society vice president Evans would condone lawlessness by saying, “I honor Earth First! for having the guts to do the things they do.” The destroyers and their tacit consenters do little more than discourage the gathering of new recruits for mainstream environmentalist groups.

Dave Foreman is dead wrong in presuming that violent and maniacal behavior will cause civilized ecology-minded citizens to take stronger positions because of the his cult’s actions. After, all some of us just might retreat to the closet rather than appear that we sympathize, through indirect association, with a bunch of madmen.


Los Angeles
