
OAK VIEW : Furor Raised Over Little League Funds

Possible embezzlement of funds and pilfered food from the Oak View Little League’s snack bar have caused a furor in the close-knit community.

Ventura County Sheriff’s Detective Bill Stevens said he has yet to establish that any thefts actually occurred. He said he could not quote a dollar amount because of widely varying estimates his office has received since the complaint was filed June 11.

“No arrests are imminent,” he said.

Some league parents, who asked not to be identified, said they fear that the loss could be as high as $8,000 based on the snack bar’s fairly consistent 42% profit margin in past seasons.


“There’s a lot of speculation and very little proof,” said Ventura attorney Mark A. Yabrof, acting league president.

Stevens said the investigation is hampered by the poor records that were kept this year by the snack bar auxiliary, a small group of adults who purchase supplies and sell hot dogs, soft drinks and candy at league games and tryouts.

Snack bar revenue is the main source of funds for the league, which involves 400 young players and hundreds of adults throughout Ojai Valley.


League Treasurer Linda Cline attempted to bring expense and income discrepancies to the league board’s attention for several months before the board ordered an internal audit. The audit showed a $1,000 shortfall.

Hard feelings caused four board members to resign in May after meetings drew as many as 50 adults, demanding answers to such questions as why April profits were only $6 contrasted with $3,000 for April, 1989.

Yabrof said part of the problem stemmed from food items being stored in private homes. League parents also said daily proceeds were going into personal bank accounts or into a snack bar safe to which Cline was not allowed to have a key despite her attempts to get one from other volunteers.


Some snack bar staff changes have been made and a tighter accounting system set up, Yabrof said.
