
New York Cardinal O’Connor’s Warning to Catholic Politicians

Cal Thomas, you display an amazing lack of understanding for what separation of church and state means in the context of the American political system. Not only are you (and O’Connor) dead wrong in terms of what role the Catholic Church should take in influencing public officials who happen to be Catholic, you seem oblivious to the fact that the cardinal might very well usher in a new age of religious bigotry. For if it is proper for the church to instruct all Catholic politicians on how to carry out the will of the people, it is properly the will of the people to prevent Catholics from obtaining public office.

New York Gov. Mario Cuomo has never failed to let it be known that he personally opposes abortion but it is the will of his constituency to have the freedom to choose. If O’Connor has a problem with that position, he should run against Cuomo in the next election.


Sherman Oaks
