
IN BRIEF: : ** 1/2 24-7 Spyz, “Gumbo Millennium,”: <i> Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor) to five (a classic).</i>

In-Effect. Bad Brains, Living Colour, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Fishbone are some of the bands in these Bronx bombers’ ballpark, but the Spyz announce their ultimate fealty early in their second album, with “Purple Haze” guitar quotes that fly the Hendrix flag high. “Gumbo Millenium” sounds more like an indulgent, late-career album than the unmistakable statement of intent you want in a young group’s second round. Some crushing metal cuts, inventive jazz-rock hybrids and touching soulfulness are obscured by uninspired filler and especially by plain ol’ goofing off that should never have been let out of the studio.
