

Editor’s Note: You may notice the absence of Bob Mieszerski from this spot. Bob was engaged in a man vs. microchip struggle the past several weeks to determine which would head this column for the Del Mar meeting. Bob lost. So, for this meeting, Bob will exclusively be working on his graded handicap, which also appears on this page.

In trying to find a competitor for this meeting, the editors decided they are not ready to give up on the human race. So they’ve chosen Janice Goldinger, whose statistics appear on these pages every week. Janice interjects her own knowledge of horses and humans to come up with the proper selections, and surely, a human can do a better job than a bunch of microchips. Can’t it?

As the victor in the previous loser-leaves-the-column battle, SURELOCK has gained the right to write it. So, after today, he, or it, will.


SURELOCK’s bets for today are $40 to win and place each on Major Moment in the second race, Robyn Dancer in the fifth race and Balla Cove in the eighth race.

Beginning Bankroll: $2,000

Janice Goldinger is starting conservatively with a $40 bet on Liberating in the sixth race. She cites Russell Baze as the reason for her selection.

Beginning Bankroll: $2,000
