
Texan Alleges His Father Was 1 of 3 Who Killed John Kennedy

From Associated Press

Adding yet another theory to the bulging file on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, an unemployed Texas salesman on Monday claimed that his father was one of three people who killed the President.

Ricky Don White contends that his father joined the Dallas police department in September, 1963, to carry out the assassination. He said his father, Roscoe White, was one of three CIA operatives who fired the shots.

The CIA issued an unusually strong rebuttal.

“These allegations--that this was done on CIA orders, that this guy worked for us and that CIA had any role in the assassination of President Kennedy--are ludicrous,” CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield said in Washington.


Roscoe White never worked for the CIA, Mansfield said. “Normally, we never confirm nor deny employment, but these allegations are so outrageous that we felt it necessary and appropriate to respond,” he said.

The FBI said in a brief statement that it had received the same information in 1988 but “determined that this information is not credible.”

The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired the shots that killed Kennedy and wounded John B. Connally, then Texas governor, on Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas. Despite the commission’s findings, conspiracy theories have abounded.


Ricky White said at a news conference that his father also killed Dallas police officer J. D. Tippit about an hour after the assassination. Tippit’s killing has been blamed on Oswald.

White said his father served in the Marines with Oswald, who he said also was part of the conspiracy but fired no shots.

Roscoe White died in 1971 from burns suffered in a fire.

Ricky White, 29, made his claims during a news conference at the JFK Assassination Information Center, a privately run group that researches various assassination theories. White acknowledged that he has tried to sell a book or movie on his theory.
