
2 Gang Members No Match for Farmer--and Shotgun

From Reuters

A farmer out for a morning walk near his fields captured two members of a “franchise” of the notorious Los Angeles-based Crips gang who were wanted in the shooting of a highway patrolman, authorities said today.

Belle Plaine farmer Ralph Wells and his wife, Rosemarie, were taking a Sunday stroll when they spotted a man hiding in a windbreak near their house.

Wells, 39, said he had been aware of the shooting late Saturday night of State Trooper Edward Vohs. Vohs, who was listed in good condition today, was wounded in the chest after chasing a stolen car south of Wichita.


But Wells thought that the incident occurred several miles from his farm and that the suspects were nowhere in the area.

“I saw him and I thought he was just a poacher so I went and got my gun,” Wells said.

While he retrieved his shotgun, Wells had his wife call the police, and then he noticed there were in fact not one man but two.

“But I had my gun and the drop on them so I aimed my 20-gauge (shotgun) and said, ‘You boys get out of my trees and hit the dirt,’ ” Wells said. “They cooperated real nice.”


Jamarrow Wright, 22, and his brother Jermaine, 18, of Wichita, were charged with aggravated battery against a law enforcement officer.
