
Sheldon and Art: The Minister May Have Gone Too Far Afield

I see we are being subjected to yet another of the Rev. Louis Sheldon’s self-aggrandizing crusades, this one in the matter of the David Wojnarowicz art exhibit.

Good Lord, aren’t there other, more important things that this self-proclaimed man of God could turn his hyperkinetic energies to? Like the homeless? Or the poor and the hungry?

If those aren’t exciting enough for the good reverend, how about turning his attention inward, and cleaning up the shameful shambles that organized religion has become under the influences of the Jim Bakkers and the Jimmy Swaggerts?


Sheldon’s aggressive tactics in opposition to funding of Wojnarowicz’s exhibit by the National Endowment for the Arts probably garners more support for the artist than against him. Personally, I agree that the government has no business funding the arts, not as long as there are other, more pressing things to do with taxpayer money, but I hardly see it as “a struggle for the soul of America.”

Not since the Spanish Inquisition have religious zealots like Sheldon been so dangerous. Then they executed those they determined to be heretics; today they send the Lou Sheldons forward to condemn the accused, and then they “credit card” or “vote” them to death.

If you disagree with Christianity as defined by Sheldon and his bunch, you can bet these narrow-minded minions of morality will boycott you (take your pick: TV show, product, TV channel, whatever) or mobilize an election effort to replace the “heretic” with someone who is as narrow-minded and biased as they are.


If followed to its logical conclusion, they will stop only when everyone in every position of power thinks exactly like they think, believes exactly like they believe, and, most dangerous of all, is as prejudiced as they are.

I heartily agree with museum official Frances Balcomb, “How dare these people come into our community and tell us what we should see.”


