
FILLMORE : Neighbor Protests Pipe Firm Expansion

A neighbor is protesting a Fillmore Planning Commission decision to allow expansion of a concrete pipe manufacturing company in the North Fillmore Industrial Park.

The City Council will hear the appeal Tuesday.

Bill Boren, whose property is north of the site, is appealing a July 5 decision by the Planning Commission allowing Hurst Concrete Products to expand a pipe storage yard north of its plant. As part of the expansion, truck shipments will leave the yard 24 hours a day.

City Manager Roy Payne said Hurst’s request to operate around the clock was prompted by a Los Angeles County proposal to ban heavy trucks from freeways during peak traffic hours. Payne said the matter may be referred back to the Planning Commission for further study, but the city staff has recommended that the council uphold the decision. “All the concerns about noise, dust and lighting have been addressed,” Payne said.


While other residents initially asked the Planning Commission to deny Hurst’s request, Payne said Boren was the only one to appeal the decision.
